We moved to a small town in Central Oregon’s high desert. With Tip, our border collie, we live each day by a simple motto…”a good time will be had by all.”

Jack, JQ and Tip




This week, as the first day of spring {3/20/25} rolled by on the calendar, media outlets carried stories about cherry blossoms, gardening tips, and spring break locations. Meanwhile, Central Oregon got covered in two feet of fresh snowfall. We’ve gotten used to snow in March, but this snow storm was one storm too many. The …

Spring Yet?

Winter prodded us again this morning with a light dusting of snow. But spring is pushing its way in. This season is an elusive beast in Central Oregon. Late winter melts are frequently obliterated with a blanket of snow. Occurrences come even in  late March. It’s best not to get one’s hopes up  .  . …


There’s a fascinating world just underfoot. Miniature worlds just waiting to be explored. These spaces are filled with Intricate patterns, vibrant colors and fascinating creatures.






We downsized, quit our jobs, shed a ton of worldly possessions, and are living in Central Oregon’s high desert on the east side of the Cascade mountains. We are Jack, JQ, and Tip the border collie.

Our days are spent exploring streams, wilderness areas and geological marvels, this blog is focused on those excursions.

It’s not #retirementlife, #flyfishing, #outdoors, or even #bordercolliesareawesome … but a bit of all that, just from our point of view.

This pretty much sums up what you’ll find in these posts, along with some discussion about cooking and dining sprinkled in. We hope you will find it entertaining, even useful. And if you do please leave a comment, Thanks!


