Clean that produce

Fresh produce, fruits and vegetables, make up a major part of our diet. No shopping trip is over until the produce is rinsed, because along with dirt and general produce department grime, even the stuff marked organic might still hold trace chemical residue. We’ve discovered a simple method to ensure a clean rinse on all the raw fruit and vegetables going into our next meal.

Citrus essential oil, vinegar and water make up the initial bath, you then rinse with water and give veggies a quick spin. Finally, we pack everything in “Debbie Meyer’s” green bags to get a longer fridge life.

Essential Oil Fruit and Vegetable Wash

A simple, cheap way to remove dirt and pesticides from fruits and vegetables.


  • 1 quart filtered water
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • 2 drops Lemon essential oil Use citrus essential oil of your choice.


  • Combine all ingredients in bowl.
  • Place produce in cleansing bath and let sit for approximately 5 minutes. 
  • Slightly agitate veggies to help knock loose any dirt clods and debris.
  • Rinse produce well in colander.
  • Dry. (We use a veggie spinner.)
  • Place clean produce in green bag or container. (Debbie Meyer GreenBags)


Optional: Store mixture in squirt bottle to spray on produce. Then rinse and dry.



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