Photo Ninja

20 years ago I read a book that focused on the roads less traveled. William Least Heat-Moon wrote Blue Highways in 1999 and we’re acolytes of his travel philosophy. The blue highways have become single red and black lines on current maps, but we seek them out just the same.

A recent road trip was meant, primarily, as a shakedown for the Eurovan and us as campers. To date our “vanlife’ has been overnight fishing trips. Now, we are going to be on the road for a week or more.

This type of excursion involves a great deal more drive time. The first two days were spent just getting to our major destination … Montana. In all that driving JQ developed a ninja-like prowess for snapping pictures from the van’s windows.

A wealth of images were found speeding along the highways from Oregon through Idaho, into Montana and Wyoming. Thats not to say we didn’t take advantage of scenic overlooks, historical markers and other roadside stops. But from the window of her camper, JQ gathered a rather nice collection of the sights along the red & black highways.

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