War Time Sketches

We try to make it over to the High Desert Museum at least once a quarter, which is how often they change out exhibitis.

The most recent one is a collect of journal drawing from a Japanese internee and it was extremely interesting. A totally unique look at the shameful treatment our government pushed on American’s of asian descent during the second world war.

Takuichi Jujii was an art student in Seattle at the beginning of the war when his family was ‘relocated’ to a camp in Central Washington state. through the duration of his inprisonment he filled sketchbooks and portfolios with views of life in the camp. this exhibit is a selection of that work that illustrates the life of the ‘interned.’

Mixed in with porcupines, otters, and a 1904 ranch and saw mill are these currated pieces of history and art that really make the High Desert Museum a treasure.

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