Frozen bubbles

I’m not sure where I first picked up the idea of freezing soap bubbles.

That said … I do remember once seeing videos of the process I thought, “I want to do that!”

So we gathered supplies, namely a straw and bubble solution, then watched weather forecasts for the ideal temperature ( -12º to -30ºF – you can have some success as high as 9-12º).

Finally it got cold enough … 7ºF. Time to pull out our bubble solution. We placed it outdoors to cool down for 30 minutes. Then headed outside to give it a go.

At first we used a straw to blow the bubble and allowed them to drop onto the front step – FAIL

Next we attempted to use the straw to place a bubble on the step – FAIL

Then we allowed the bubble to start freezing on the straw, then carefully placed it on the concrete surface – SUCCESS!

2 Replies to “Frozen bubbles”

  1. it is a little odd when you look back … two people sitting hunched over a tiny soap bubble muttering about angle and light. We’ll do it again (may have to wait a year) I still want to mix our own soap solution. And, yea you are one of the few who could appreciate this level focus on an outcome.

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