Quarantined on my Birthday


Today I’m starting my 68th trip around the sun. At some point sixty-seven seemed old … but not now.

Last year was a pretty good one … plenty of streams, trails and campsites

… we’ve settled into life in Central Oregon.

Things are bit crazy right now, but nearly seven decades on this planet have taught me that life keeps moving … and so shall I.

4 Replies to “Quarantined on my Birthday”

  1. Jack,

    Looks like life is good in Central Oregon. Happy belated Birthday!! I turned 67 last February. I always thought 1953 was your birth year, but I guess you are a year ahead of me. Stay healthy, safe and active.

    Steve (Mon)

    1. My bad … it said start of 68th trip around the sun, being ‘poetic’ this is the beginning of my 68th year. thanks for the birthday wish. when in Feb is your birthday? I’ll put it on the calendar and send greetings next year. I find it’s better to hear from old friends than presents now that we are getting older. hope all is well at your house. JQ and js.

      1. Jack – You got me on that one. I saw 68 and immediately thought you just turned 68. My birthday is Feb. 11. My son, Andrew, shares the same birthday. He just turned 33 to start his 34th trip around the sun. Everything is well with us. Starting vegetables and flowers for the garden, cooking with new recipes, daily exercise excursions, etc. Yesterday we used the gel from our aloe vera plant mixed with essential oils and alcohol to make hand sanitizer. Take care.

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