Thoughts from Quarantine


Deadly spikes in Covid19 cases have placed many counties in Oregon on a “stay at home” list.

So this week we didn’t do much exploring … unless you count our Kindle Unlimited reading lists.

There are bookcases in our home stuffed with traditional print books.

However, our current reading platform of choice is a 3 ½ by 5 inch screen in a ½ inch thick case.

The e-Reader in our case, a Kindle Paperwhite, can be filled and refilled. We have yet to reach its capacity with stories of adventure, mystery, sci fi and fantasy.

If you read genre fiction of any kind, a Kindle Unlimited membership is critical in these pandemic times.

There are hundreds of titles to choose from. They are quickly transferred to the e-reader for transport to riverside camp or just from bedroom to living room.

The beauty of a Kindle Unlimited membership is how easy it is to explore a wide variety of authors and story types.

You can purchase, often at reduced price, those titles you like to re-read. In many cases, there are how-to books loaded on the reader.

It will also store PDF manuals for software, and hardware we are working with.

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