Curses . . . foiled again!

A field of yellow

This week we set off for Paisley, the Chewacan River, and eventually a swing through the  Lower Klamath.

This is a loop we’d attempted a few weeks ago, but were forced to turn back when we ran into snow covered roads.

Since then, we have had a few weeks of warm weather, so we expected clear roads.

River survey team reporting in

What we didn’t expect was Jack tripping on the rough terrain and cutting open his knee.  While exploring a path to the river, he took a spill and jammed his knee on a rather pointed rock.

The MyMedic First Aid Kit was employed for the deep gash. But there was no doubt, we needed to head home to the nearest Urgent Care.

All ended well. The doctor praised our butterfly closure technique. However, the wound did require stitches. As a precaution, x-rays were taken, only to confirm the kneecap was not broken  .  .  .  which apparently IS a common injury.

JQ did manage to gather a few wild flower images before the excursion was cut short. Current circumstances may limit our adventures next week   .  .  .  stay tuned

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