We spend a lot of time outside. None of it actually camping.
At least, not in the classic sense.
Coffee is cooked, camp chairs are set up and on rare occasions, regulations permitting, we might light a fire. However, by the end of the day we’re home and ready to sleep in a nice comfy bed.

When we did ‘camp’ it was in a Westfalia, so truth is, we’ve never been hard core campers. Creature comforts over wilderness experience . . . with one exception.
A couple of years ago we discovered the cabins at Cottonwood Canyon State Park.

There are elements of camping in that you’re isolated without cell service.

But each neat little cabin is fitted with AC/heat and a comfy bed.
Plus, there is hot/cold running water nearby. It’s a perfect solution.
The down side is, you need to reserve a space months in advance, making it difficult to predict the weather or as happened last year . . . wildfire.

In April we set up a stay for August 13th, which when August came around we discovered was also a peak time for the Perseids Meteor shower.

With zero light pollution, the setting is perfect for star gazing, which is part of every visit, but this stay turned out to be a fortuitous reservation.

Bundled in warm sweaters, we spent early morning hours gazing at the heavens.
They didn’t disappoint. The smear of the milky way and hundreds of constellations filled a sky occasionally streaked by a chunk of space rock falling through the atmosphere.
how lucky! Bet it was amazing.
It is the best place for star gazing … and we had a completely cloudless sky