Into a New Year

Blue skies return

Since our last post we’ve extracted ourselves from social media, turned off that stream of ad laden drivel and got reacquainted with reading and our local library.

Toward this end, we shifted our e-reader habits away from the corporate giant. Extracting ourselves from the monolithic Amazon is no easy task and certainly not complete yet. But steps have been taken.

Enjoying a new e-reader and a great mystery

We ‘side loaded‘ a couple thousand books to ePub readers and made connection with the local library via Libby. It was very freeing.

December’s end and January’s start were an endless string of gray skies threatening rain, snow or both. Then, this week the sun returned to the high desert.

Frozen over

In Central Oregon clear winter days start cold, bone chilling cold, but usually that freeze is tempered by midday. We took full advantage of this and headed over to summer lake for a late lunch drive.

We didn’t expect to get much birding but Summer Lake valley offers great vistas and it’s always a nice drive.

A ‘bank of swans” rests at Summer Lake Wild Life Refuge

We watched a flock of trumpeter swans and white fronted geese lounge on an iced over pond.

Caught sight of a few song birds and a pair of Bald Eagles perched on top of a tree.

We also watched a young coyote practice his field mousing skills  .  .  .  to little success. It was an enjoyable way to pass the time over a snack lunch.

Winter has for now, softened its face so we’ll take advantage.

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