Winter continues to tempt us with sunny days, then thwart our activities with bitter cold.
For most of the week temperatures hovered in the mid-thirties and mornings started in the teens. Too cold for these old bones.

Towards the end of the week we made a trip to the Crooked River. It had warmed up into the forties, and driven by a case of cabin fever we were ready to get outside.
Cirrus clouds streaked the sky, but some sun managed to shine through. Bowman Dam had been gushing water downstream to near spring levels.
Likely an attempt to prepare for a spring run off from above average snow levels in the mountains.
However, today it was back down to winter levels and the lack of wind made mirror surfaces of the still water.
There was an abundance of bird activity. A rather large flock of Robins darted from willow thicket to stream side . . . only slightly alarmed by our presence.
At one stop we watched a Heron perch on a bolder and survey the stream . . . marveling at the graceful curves of his plumage.

Then he flew by us and headed downriver, perhaps looking for a better roost.

At the reservoir a Bald Eagle flew in a spiral over the water, then plucked a rather large fish from the surface.
It happened so quickly and we were so mesmerized by the aerobatics, that cameras didn’t come out until it was over.

A final un-documented, bird sighting happened as we turned into our driveway.
A low flying Raven passed just over the hood of our car with a Chinese takeout box in his beak. Not a clue where it came from, but a fitting close to a peaceful day.
fun blog! Loving the winter weather pics.