Kind of a Sad Week

Brothers share a window view
Lewis, ultimate lap cat

This week we had to say goodbye to Lewis, an 18 year old, long hair, black cat. He was sick first of the week, and then by mid-week he wasn’t eating or drinking.

He’s had some kidney issues, but this was not a good sign.

By Thursday we knew what had to be done.

He was kind of a pain in the butt. He liked to jump up on the counter and chomp fresh herbs (chives being his favorite).  But he was the best ‘in your lap while reading cat’ we’ve ever had. Now, we have just one cat left.

The excursions we did make this week were up to the Crooked River. We really needed the peace of a sit-along-the-stream.

Fall on the Crooked River

The fishing wasn’t very good, clouds and wind took over one of the days  .  .  .  but a bad day on the river is still a good day.

Keeping Mom company and an eye on Dad

Thursday was much better. We had the place to our selves and while the fishing didn’t improve, the weather did.

I’m good, you go ahead.

Fall is definitely here.

Day temps are down and there is a crispness to the air. Plus, the migration is starting up so bird activity is increasing.

We’ll likely make a trip out to Summer Lake this coming week, and maybe have another try at Summer Steelhead. The weatherman suggests we’ll have good days ahead.

Apple Cider weather

Early morning start, upstream from Warm Springs.

Our week started cold and wet. This did manage to cool off a wildfire that had Sunriver residents on edge.

At the end of last week the Lava Lake fire joined what was now being called the Mt. Bachlor complex. Burning up thousands of acres on the south edge of the mountain and headed east toward the resort.

The photographer’s POV

The rain and low temps also flushed out a smoke plume that was plaguing Central Oregon. In typical High Desert fashion these gray skies moved on but left behind more fall temperatures and really nice days.

On Wednesday we celebrated national cheeseburger day at our favorite old school diner, Tastee Treet. Then, as the nice weather persisted we decided to take a jaunt over to Kiyokawa Orchards in Hood River.

Fruit-ladened trees line the road side

It’s height of apple season and there are plans to can some sauce and reduce some cider for syrup.

The trees are heavy with fruit and farm stand shelves are loaded with a variety of apples and pears. The fresh cider was an unexpectedly good treat.

One more chance at Summer Steelhead

As long as we’re over there, we decided to swing up to Dufur, check out the Dufur Market and then spend the afternoon on the Lower Deschutes.

Still no Summer Steelhead, but I had a great time building up my cast count.

It was a perfect afternoon to sit along the stream  .  .  .  we’ll likely head up there again next week and try to find the illusive ‘fish of a thousand casts’.

Back to the Canyon

This is what we mean by Sage Steppe

We’ve managed to book regular stays at Cottonwood State Park and this week was September’s visit.

There is a quiet stillness to this spot that is very restful.

This cabin camping is just the ticket.

It starts with a couple hours drive up Highway 97 through a cross section of Central Oregon landscapes  .  .  .  forests to wheat fields, sage steppes to wind farms.

There is a great grassy spot in the day-use area

The day-use area allows us to plan a late lunch before the ‘official’ check in time.

Joined us for lunch
A shady spot even in the heat of the day

We also managed to get in some fishing early in the afternoon.

Evening to sunset we mostly just sit in the shade of the cabin’s porch and sip cold beverages.

Though this time, the day was a bit too warm and we had to take advantage of the AC to endure the afternoon heat.

Sunset on the plain

Outside urban light pollution, the star-filled skies require an early morning gaze.

Our start of day vista

There is coffee sipped to the sunrise over the John Day River and perhaps a morning try at Small Mouth Bass.

We’re usually packed and back on the road by noon.

The road home

It’s not a lot of time spent, but the value of place and peace of mind is huge.

We’ve got another stay reserved for next month and regularly check the reservation site to look for openings and chart the next stay.

Under a Smoke Filled Sky

Summer Sunrise, color by wildfire

The predominate winds shifted this week and nearly the entire state was veiled in smoke.

This turned the morning sun orange, obscured the Cascade Range and generally muted our view. However, it did not keep us at home. It never got that toxic.

Keeping a watchful eye.

At the start of the week we took an afternoon trip to the Crooked River. After an early dinner at the Tastee Treet, we found our favorite parking spot vacant.

Off to catch an evening hatch

I was looking for an evening hatch and some dry fly action, a much anticipated part of summer flyfishing.

There were far more strikes than hook sets, but we’re not looking to catch. The river provided a couple of hours of action, ending in a cold beverage and relaxing time sitting on its’ bank.

Later in the week we headed West, over the mountains and into the farm rich Willamette Valley.

Sweet white corn near fresh from the field

Schlecter Farms corn was the primary objective  .  .  .  sweet corn that shouldn’t be missed.

Putting up sweet corn for the winter

There was farm fresh produce available and a visit with my sister in Tualatin.

Evening light on juniper

Fall has started to spread it’s amber hues.

The weather got warm again, but it’s only false summer. Frosty mornings aren’t far off and we are looking forward to this change in the season.

Preserving the Season

Another cast at summer steelhead

A couple of things this week, Steelhead and seasonal fruit canning.

If you’re a regular on this blog, you might recall we’ve combined trips for Summer Steelhead on the Lower Deschutes and orchard visits before.

Well, it’s that time of year again. Fishermen refer to Steelhead as a fish of a thousand casts. It can take that many or more to actually catch one.

Our favorite stretch of the Deschutes River.

In simple terms, this is a Rainbow Trout smolt that spent a few years in the ocean and then comes back to the fresh water river of it’s birth to spawn and repeat the cycle.

Sage lines the river’s edge

Late summer on the Lower Deschutes offers a chance to add to your cast number in pursuit of large fish. Mostly, I’ve been trying out fly patterns, improving my casting skills, and a  little more.

This week I did manage to hook up a large fish, but lost it before a positive identification. In a week, I’ll try again. The Lower Deschutes Canyon in late summer is worth the trip.

Suncrest peaches feature in a new recipe, Ginger Peach Butter

August and September are huge canning months as farms and orchards overflow with new harvests. We eat “seasonally” which requires the preservation of some of what you are enjoying at the moment.

Pickling and fermenting are on this month’s menu

Stone fruit have started to show up at the Hood River orchards so that is what we gathered extra of this week. Peaches, plums and some crabapples are getting sliced for breakfast today and loaded into jars for meals this winter.

Tree ripened fruit from the farmstand outshines anything you’ll find at the mega-mart. It is always worth the trip.