At Distance, still

We’ve been “stay at home” for just about a month … except for a couple of trips to re-supply fresh produce.  Then the weather got real nice, making it that much harder to just walk the neighborhood.

Staying distant as possible, we took a road trip to the Prineville Reservoir. Mostly we just wanted to see what was and what was not open.

Turns out the BLM has gated off the places with parking lots. Campgrounds were closed to camping and the signs said to keep socially separated.

That wasn’t a problem.  Tip found a spot to cool down and roll in some dirt.

Yeah, he needed that!

The drive didn’t really cover much distance, but it did wonders for our spirits.

There are lots of places you can go and still be more than six feet … just have to be careful about parking at trail heads, boat landings and campgrounds.


A Bit of Distance


How are you doing with the quarantine? Yeah, us too.

Even though we’ve embraced the social distance concept, there is a limit to how much you can ‘stay at home.’ We aren’t gallivanting across the countryside … but we have found a number of places nearby that allow for zero contact with other people and include a nice walk.

Surprisingly, there are few people at the Sunriver Nature Center during the week, so it has become a great morning destination when the neighborhood walk starts to get a bit stale.

As we’ve mentioned in these blog posts, there are a huge variety of walking trails and most are paved. The nature center sits near the Deschutes River and away from most of the resort’s development.

There is a pond with lots of water fowl, lined with benches to sit and soak in the spring sun. We have enjoyed this space alot and it seems like we’ll be able to continue to do so … for now.

Quarantined on my Birthday


Today I’m starting my 68th trip around the sun. At some point sixty-seven seemed old … but not now.

Last year was a pretty good one … plenty of streams, trails and campsites

… we’ve settled into life in Central Oregon.

Things are bit crazy right now, but nearly seven decades on this planet have taught me that life keeps moving … and so shall I.

The new norm

Today we start our third week of quarantine with a bit of social distancing at the hardware store … masks on.

Like most we’re feeling frustration over the jumble of instructions, while still trying to remain healthy and sane. Just what do they mean by social distancing …because I’m always at least six feet from anyone on the trout stream.

It was a bit of a blow to our “social distancing” plans when two weeks ago, while on the Crooked River, our idyllic spot was overrun by people. Within a few short hours our quiet campground was filled. We knew then we would need to adjust our “get out, get away” plans. I guess no road trips for a while.

I’ve managed to get a couple dozen spring patterns tied, euro-nymph and dry fly. Now to start on the summer collection of caddis, stoneflies, and terrestrials.

The space between tying and cooking is filled with reading and video viewing. Glad for the Kindle, Apple TV and a DVD collection.

I love our quiet moments at home, but really miss our adventures on the road. I knew we would go stir crazy without some way to get out and move. Our gym is off limits, so walking the neighborhood is our best bet.

Luckily, we have lovely trails through forest and high desert just outside our home.

Our routine includes several walks a day, with plenty of fetching for Tip.

For better than a decade we’ve kept an emergency supply pantry, as well as a stocked freezer, extra fuel, water and paper product. Prepped? Maybe. But for us it was the memory of how fast the Mount St Helen’s eruption made a mess of life in the PNW and the threat of Mt Hood’s regular awakenings. This global pandemic thing wasn’t even on my radar.

Thank goodness for Tip’s exuberance.

He is a daily reminder to be joyful, anticipate good things, live in the moment, and be grateful.These have been added to our Rules to live by.

If social distancing means avoiding people (and for the most part it does) we’ve been doing that for years.

Being on the most ‘vulnerable’ list for COVID-19 made it pretty easy to enhance that distance.

We live in a neighborhood where folks lift a hand in greeting and pause to visit. I love how friendly everyone is. That said, we do have a terrible time remembering names … we usually recognize people by their dogs. “Oh, there’s the guy with the old dog that sits on the bench.” We always stop to visit, but now we do it from across the field. Its a small thing … a moment of connection which always lifts our spirits.

We are ready for months of isolation, quarantine and social distancing.

As long as the Internet doesn’t fail … we’ve got this.

Hope you are all getting by and washing your hands.

Better than a Fruitcake

The yearly holiday letter is a bit like fruit cake … many of us actually like the stuff. This type of Christmas card allows the author a chance to measure the past year. Milestones do have a certain appeal, letting people know what you’ve been up to and acting as markers to stop-overs in a trip around the sun.

364 days ago popped back online with a simple trial post about snowfall in Central Oregon. This continued,  bi-weekly, until there were slightly more than a hundred blog posts.  Our holiday ‘fruit cake’ offer is this look at some favorite images from 2019.

Thanks to all the folks who left comments as they stopped by our web page and to everyone reading this post, we wish you the best of the holidays and joyous travels in the coming year.

JQ, Jack and Tip.
