A daily routine


Dogs in general and border collies specifically thrive on routine.

In the case of border collies, if you don’t give them a job, they will create one.

Our morning routine is to walk the neighborhood path ending at the park for a game of fetch.

Typically we head out the door about 7:30 a.m. When our day has a bit slower pace, Tip still starts prepping for the walk about 7:30 a.m. The longer the delay, the stronger the encouragement from our border collie. He has a very good internal clock and very little patience.


There is an office … space.

Yes, we’re retired. However, we still work on projects.

This blog/journal keeps us busy, when not fishing or exploring. And we have tasks that eventually require our attention.

Our most current,  “straightening the office,” has been on the back burner because it’s a bit like housework. (See Rules to Live By in Fossils, rocks and turkeys post).

As with nearly any furniture placement, eventually it will require some tweaks. When it came to the office area, Jack set up his fly tying bench, assembled a desk, and plugged in the computer. He then called it good.

Jacqueline figured there could be a better arrangement and set about tweaking the space.  What we have now is many times better than the jumble that was in here and it makes getting these posts ready much easier.