This week, as the first day of spring {3/20/25} rolled by on the calendar, media outlets carried stories about cherry blossoms, gardening tips, and spring break locations.
Meanwhile, Central Oregon got covered in two feet of fresh snowfall.
We’ve gotten used to snow in March, but this snow storm was one storm too many. The weather has been off and on all season. That, I guess shouldn’t come as a shock.
Unfortunately for us, we were clearing snow off our driveway on the first day of spring.

Oh, it was a beautiful sight . . . fir branches ladened with mounds of white and that muffling of sound a layer of snow brings to the world.
It didn’t get much below freezing, and in fact it melted pretty quickly.

There was a day, or two, of clogged roads, as we waited on snowplows to come through. Sharing sympathetic looks with our neighbors (who were also shoveling snow), it took us over an hour to clear our driveway.
In the end, we managed to get a few more home projects completed .
But still . . . this is MARCH!