Morning at Smith Rock

We arrived before dawn and pretty much had the place to ourselves. Despite the low light conditions, we easily navigated the trails.

Central Oregon winters can deliver deep snow and sub-freezing temps … but there are also periods of nearly spring-like conditions. On one of those snowless days we headed off for Terrabonne and a hike at Smith Rock State Park.

The park and it’s web of trails center around a canyon with shear rock faces lining the north bank of the Crooked River. Most people come here to climb those rocks and on weekends the parking lot is literally filled to capacity.

Arrive on a weekday morning, especially in the winter,  and you might have the park to yourself.  We’re here because the gnarled juniper trees and rock outcroppings make for interesting landscape photos.


There was no dramatic sunrise. That said, we scouted the area for future shoots. This is a destination (much like Painted Hills) that we will definitely visit again.

However, we chose a more moderate route. By following the south rim of the Crooked River Canyon we were treated to great views, excellent photo ops and an easy hike.

Glad It’s over … nearly

Blackbirds, Summer Lake Wildlife Refuge

This is the 60th time this year we’ve shared our week.

The blog serves as a reference point in our lives. What we did last week gets translated into words, images, and an occasional video.

Smoke from Oregon’s forest fires inundated the area making it impossible to do anything outside.

As the year comes to a close it would be easy to focus on the dumpster fire that was 2020 … maybe naively think 2021 is going to be any better.

But a blog allows us a look back at directions we took and points we hit.


Fort Rock

Last January started with a typical Central Oregon mid-winter thaw. This presented an opportunity to explore where just a few weeks before the roads were snowed in and would be again the following week.

By April we were in the clutches of “first wave” quarantine and social distancing. We discovered that fewer people working meant crowds in the forests and on river banks. Thus we had to look for alternatives.

Time was blocked out visiting via Zoom, experimenting with recipes and creating new rituals.  Cocktail hour became a new favorite. We spent time sipping and testing different whiskeys.

As Spring shifted into summer we discovered new spots to spend a day. Explorations of different roads around Summer Lake, Fort Rock and the high desert forested edges occupied our day trips.


We upgraded our camera kit this year, adding a lens sized for wildlife photography.

The summer and fall got filled with days stalking feathered critters in addition to the usual finned variety.



A blog by design is retrospective, focused on what happened.

We actually got in quite a few great adventures while perfecting our social distancing skills. That said it will be nice to see the end of this year.

Seasonal journeys

In this house there is always fruit on the counter and in the fridge. We do play favorites and eat mostly to season. Winter is citrus, berries for Spring, Summer is stone fruit and Fall is all about apples and melons.

I think apples are my favorite for everyday eating. Thus we look forward to the fall and our annual trip to the orchards that line the hills around Hood River, Oregon.  We make this pilgrimage pretty much every fall for the last dozen years and we always go to the same spot.

Kiyokawa Family Orchards (yeah, I don’t know how to pronounce it either) is about the only place we ever go. There are lots of different stands in the area, check out the Fruit Loop map and website. This place has a huge variety of apples, pears, and plums.

In the past it was a giant apple tasting. Due to current Covid circumstances, they have altered the buying experience a bit. The slices for tasting aren’t sitting on the bins of fruit. They also stopped individually weighing your purchases. Instead, you move through a well thought out social distancing maze, pick out either a box or bag, pay, then proceed to fill with fruit of your choice.

Winding your way past tubs of fruit, you can pick from all offerings, exiting near where you started, only now you have a box of apples and pears.

The only problem is trying to remember the different varieties and maintaining tasting notes so you can find the ones you like best next year.

– book note –


You should find a copy of Dan Rather’s recent book “What Unites Us”. A timely discussion on America, democracy and the fragile threads holding our nation together. We’ve been working through it a chapter at a time, reading it aloud to each other. Excellent book, sparking energetic discussion.

A very old art piece

Oregon Route 31 runs from La Pine to Valley Falls passing south of Fort Rock State Park and Summer Lake Wildlife refuge. The Fremont road is a route we take often. About half an hour into the trip you drop out of the Lodge Pole and Ponderosa forest onto a sage and rocky plain.

Fort Rock sits at the edge of this transition with Summer Lake another 30 minutes onto the high desert.

From tilled fields the road follows basalt columns to a notch just a thousand feet off the valley floor. At the top is Picture Rock Pass, as you drop toward Summer Lake there is a a grand view of the marsh and alkaline flats.

Sitting on this relative high point is a flat rock face with petroglyphs that were etched 7500 to 10,000 years ago. The rock is just a few hundred feet off the side of a road, south of a narrow gravel turn out.  Given humans propensity to paint or tip ancient rock it’s just as well the site is unmarked.


It was the marshes and meadows with their abundant wildlife that drew prehistoric humans to the area. Twelve thousand years ago, the Clovis Period, Picture Rock Pass was etched by the area’s early inhabitants.

Archeologists have uncovered signs of prehistoric life that includes 10,000 year old foot woven sagebrush sandals at Fort Rock and 14,000 year old artifacts at Paisley Caves area.

There’s a lot of history in this hundred mile stretch of asphalt.


Treasure on the river

The Crooked River, one of our favorite Oregon rivers.

Quarantine has closed campgrounds, state and national parks but not fishing. This is good news for us.

Once a week we head to our favorite stream with lunch and fly rods. Tip finds joy in both the ride up to the river and running the riparian.

If we are not both fishing, then Tip divides his time between JQ’s photographic adventures and checking in on Jack.

Enough time has been spent on rivers to develop good manners, for the most part. At some point in the day a stick is discovered, dropped at someone’s feet and thus a game of fetch is initiated … though it often involves much vocal encouragement.

This day was a bit different. Instead of a stick, Tip discovered a ball.

Bright orange, this lost dog toy became a treasured possession and required numerous rounds of ball throwing.

The shade side of a picnic table offers excellent cooling to rest up between expeditions.