Stone Fruit & Steelhead

Rest stop outside Warm Springs, under an ancient pear tree

Finally . . .  a break from wildfire smoke.  With that, we headed outside.

Green Barlett Pears

The Fruit Loop is a semi-regular daytrip for us and this seemed like a good time to check it out. With a not too early start, we head to orchard country above Hood River, the city.

The intent . . . pick up tree ripened stone fruit.

Apple harvest is getting close. As we drive through the orchards we pass rows of trees ladened with fruit. It is worth the trip just for this image.

Premier Honey Crisp apples

The bonus, however, is fruit stand shelves with half a dozen peach varieties and easily twice that in plums.

Choices were made.

Heading out from Parkdale the road cuts at right angles back through the orchards to Highway 35. We merge onto I-84 and a short jaunt up the Columbia Gorge.

At the far edge of The Dalles we catch US197 and climb hills though cherry orchards and freshly combined wheat fields. Well past Dufer, we drop into the Tygh Valley, turn onto OR 216 and end in the Upper Deschutes Canyon at Sherars Falls.

Path to the river and fishing

We’re here to check on the the steelhead run. This fisherman saw no Steelhead, hooked no fish, but did enjoy the walk along the river.

Temperatures were pleasantly below August heat. Rafters had all but vanished from the river, along with most campers.

We set out chairs on river’s edge in the shade of our favorite Ash tree. Tip got some final swims and a cold beverage, or two, was consumed.

Blackbilled Magpie soars over the Deschutes

In all . . . a very pleasant way to spend a day

Spring Bugs

Rolling hills in the Deschutes River Canyon are draped in spring green

This week found us on the Lower Deschutes River near Maupin. The river is still running crystal clear, but the fishing was slow. One of the reasons to ply the Deschutes as spring starts, is to see what stage the stonefly and caddis hatches are at.

The Lower Deschutes River

Starting early spring, I’m picking at the river’s bottom looking for Skwala, Golden and Dark Stonefly Nymphs. As the river temperatures rise, these bugs (order Plecoptera) start their march to the river’s edge. Eventually these aquatic insects climb onto rocks and bushes to transform into large Stoneflies and present excellent dryfly fishing.

Tiger Swallowtail

The canyon vegetation has started to shift from winter’s dull browns into spring greens. Wildflowers are also starting to emerge. patches of tiny little pink petals, clumps of yellow blossoms from Balsam Arrowroot, as well as buds on the trees and bushes. With new flowers are butterflies and a variety of insects.

Mixed in with all the fresh plant growth were Woolly Bear Caterpillars coming out of winter’s rest.

Folklore has it that a longer black band is a predictor of more severe winter. Not saying we hold to folklore but our caterpillars seem have mostly black. For now these guys are just eating a bit more in preparation for their transformation into Tiger Moths.


Central Oregon is putting on it’s Spring regalia … which we’ll enjoy before the dry summer weather sets in.

A Day on the D

This week we returned to a favorite fishing site, the Upper Deschutes River.

Proximity to our house makes for a perfect day or even half day jaunt.

Numerous pull-offs and side roads offer access to grassy banks, perfectly suited for a camp chair.

The Deschutes River is divided into three zones, Upper, Middle and Lower. There is a striking difference between these separate stretches of river. It’s entire length is bank fishable, with lots of access points for picnicking as well as camping.

This day we tried a new spot just downstream from the head waters and Little Lava Lake. From here the river flows south into the Crane Prairie Reservoir, eventually turning north out of Wickiup Reservoir and onto the Columbia River. This close to the head waters means the stream is more wadeable but holds smaller fish.

Nothing better than a dust bath after a swim in the river …

The stream is never more than knee deep so we can wade and fish either bank. It is also perfect for a game of fetch with Tip.

The biggest fault with this weeks jaunt was a lack of fish caught, but that was made up in time spent pulling a stick from the river.