Kind of a Sad Week

Brothers share a window view
Lewis, ultimate lap cat

This week we had to say goodbye to Lewis, an 18 year old, long hair, black cat. He was sick first of the week, and then by mid-week he wasn’t eating or drinking.

He’s had some kidney issues, but this was not a good sign.

By Thursday we knew what had to be done.

He was kind of a pain in the butt. He liked to jump up on the counter and chomp fresh herbs (chives being his favorite).  But he was the best ‘in your lap while reading cat’ we’ve ever had. Now, we have just one cat left.

The excursions we did make this week were up to the Crooked River. We really needed the peace of a sit-along-the-stream.

Fall on the Crooked River

The fishing wasn’t very good, clouds and wind took over one of the days  .  .  .  but a bad day on the river is still a good day.

Keeping Mom company and an eye on Dad

Thursday was much better. We had the place to our selves and while the fishing didn’t improve, the weather did.

I’m good, you go ahead.

Fall is definitely here.

Day temps are down and there is a crispness to the air. Plus, the migration is starting up so bird activity is increasing.

We’ll likely make a trip out to Summer Lake this coming week, and maybe have another try at Summer Steelhead. The weatherman suggests we’ll have good days ahead.