Why blog

We are gearing up for the offical start of a weekly post on “That’ll Do,” and for us a re-set on blogging. So why, in the age of Facebook, Instagram and Squarespace, are we managing a hosted WordPress blog? Control mostly.

Web logs originally offered designers a space to store and share Internet stuff. This grew into personal journal sites and at one point even Apple and iWeb got into the game with blog formatting software. Social media has taken over the shared experience posts for most people. But there are lots of problems with those free social media sites, and control is only part of it.

Blog ‘etiquette’ places the most recent post at the top of a page with past entries scrolling underneath. Regardless of when you find us, all the material we have is here to read, or not.  A blog lets us store and share anything we find of interest.

If you read the Welcome and About pages, you’ll see we are here with our personal journal, lots of images, as well as videos, recipes and updates. If that engages you… bookmark this page and come back.

We’ll be here.