Another Cooking Tip

It is summertime and we are thinking about making potato salad.

But wait, don’t boil the eggs in with the potatoes. I’ve discovered a method for perfect hard cooked eggs that are also easy to peel. No more pock-marked whites.

Start with about an inch of water in a sauce pan, sized to hold a steamer basket with the lid on. Bring the water to a boil, add the steamer basket with half a dozen eggs (works best with 4 or more). Reduce the heat and cover the pan.

Cook (steam) for 12 to 15 minutes (longer for harder yolks). Have a bowl of ice water handy, and when the time is up, transfer the eggs to the water bath.

After five minutes or so, pull out, tap and roll on hard surface to pre-crack the shell. then peel. You are going to be amazed at how easy the shells come off. You’re welcome!