This week, unlike the last few, was filled with ‘doing’. The air quality improved and the sun was out.
We took day trips three different days.
Hit the Crooked River on a perfect fall day … caught no fish but had a great picnic.

The other two days we headed east toward Fort Rock and the high desert.

If you’ve spent any time on this blog it’s clear we are iPhone photographers. We subscribe to the adage ‘the best camera is the one you have in hand’.
However, the types of images we are attempting to capture require telephoto lenses that just aren’t available on an iPhone.
This week we took delivery on a new Sony camera and lenses. Similar to the system we rented in June and posted about in issue #38 on birding.

Of course Summer Lake was one of the places we headed for. Unfortunately it’s hunting season and there was some obvious restrictions on where you can go if you’re shooting but not ‘killing’.
We stuck to the western edge, Anna Reservoir area of the refuge, and managed to get a ton of really great weather shots.
The Summer Lake valley presents lots of image possibilities … rain clouds, sunny sky and thunder heads simply by turning around.
There will still be iPhone pictures in the blog but this new system is going to bring a new level of photos, hope you enjoy.