This week we headed up to the Crooked. Looked like a good place to avoid the Bedrock fire smoke plume, which has haunted us for weeks.
Typically, BLM sites are in use by summer campers. So, we’ll pull into a day use spot.
This day we got lucky and found a favorite spot empty. In fact, the whole campground was empty.
Summer is peak season for camping so we’ll pay the parking fee when we find a spot. Two reasons; old guys like me get half price deals and BLM uses these dollars to maintain these spots.
We set up camp chairs in the shade of some ancient juniper trees. Pull out the lunch boxes and while I rigged a couple of rods JQ points her camera at flowers, butterflies, birds and bees.
Might be because the smoke has been bad for days or it’s just a fluke . . . but there are very few people on the river. Amid this calm, we take photos, enjoy lunch with a cold beverage and catch a few fish.
In all . . . it was a great day and nice break from the smog.