Smoke Avoidance

Early morning casts

Another week of high temperature avoidance meant an early morning trip to the Crooked River. We’re also dealing with an influx of wildfire  smoke. However, we’ve managed to stay out of the worst of the plumes.

Not sure how long that will last.

A peaceful perch

The extreme heat subsided this week, giving a few more hours before shelter is required. We managed nearly four hours of peaceful stream time a couple of different mornings.

Fresh from a dive, our osprey searches for another target

The Kestrel family seems to have moved on, replaced by the Osprey. Birding action at the old tree continues unabated.

Riparian green

Fishing is good. This warmer weather wakes up the aquatic insects. The river’s edge is a lush green as summer’s heat has yet to dry out the riparian growth.

We continue to manage avoiding the worst of the smoke plumes and have some other excursions planned, but these days that means keeping a close eye on the fire reports.