Early Morning Observations

A nose for spots in the shade

This week we found one way to avoid the heat is to get going at dawn, and of course, be home by noon.

Fishing partners

Destination:  Crooked River

Departure:   5:00 a.m.

Reward:  Pleasant morning sitting by a stream.

Wren, a tiny bird with a big voice

When you sit quietly, nature comes to you. Or more to the point, you notice what was around you all along.

Finally, back on the river

Before the heat of the day pushed us out, there were visits from a kingfisher, osprey, heron, numerous songbirds, and a collection of wrens.

Sun through spider silk

Early morning sun illuminated a web filled with spider snacks.

Stalking spent flower blossoms revealed a plethora of wonders in the frame of a macro lens.

On rivers edge there is still plenty of green

After lunch at the Tastee Treet, we headed home to avoid the oppressive afternoon sun in air conditioned luxury. Soon there will be another early morning jaunt.

Summer with a Vengeance

Morning starts out cool-ish, but that sun brings the heat up quickly

Jack’s knee is getting better,  but the weather   .  .  .   not so much.

We spent last week sweltering in 100 degree heat. The longer the heat hangs around, the harder it is to bring house temperatures down with cool morning breezes. On an up note, wildfire smoke has not filled our air yet this year.

We did not make it far from home this week. Instead, we did some inside projects that were long overdue. There were also a lot of cold salad preps. No need to overburden the AC with a hot oven.

Summer is salad season at our house

In addition to the regular potato, tuna, chicken, and macaroni salads, we always include a side of sliced tomato w/ basil. JQ discovered an addition to the cold salad rotation  .  .  .  a Mediterranean Veggie salad (recipe below).

We’re up before the sun to open windows and prepare for the day

During these heat waves, we start our day early. By the time the thermometer hits 90, we’re back in the cool comfort of home.

The weatherman is suggesting a drop in daytime highs next week, so perhaps we’ll be able to venture further from home.

Mediterranean Veggie Salad

great summer salad



  • 3 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 1 cup olive oil


  • 5 - 6 leaves Romaine lettuce chopped
  • 2-3 leaves Radicchio chopped
  • 2-3 radishes diced
  • 1 small cucumber seeded and cut into ¼ inch pieces
  • 1/4 cup fresh cooked corn
  • 1/4 cup red onion thinly sliced
  • 6 Pepperoncini seeded and cut into ¼ inch pieces
  • 4-5 cherry tomatoes quartered
  • ¼ cup cooked beans (your choice)
  • 3 ounces cheddar cheese (or your choice) cut into small cubes
  • 3 ounces Genoa salami cut into small cubes
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Mix dressing ingredients together and allow to sit for at least an hour. Can be held in fridge for up to 2 weeks
  • Chop salad ingredients into equal sized pieces and add to a large bowl
  • Toss dressing with salad in stages until you have coated all the pieces, but it's not too wet ... no dressing in the bottom of the bowl ...
  • NOTE ... adjust salad ingredients and portions to fit your 'fridge.' Any leftover dressing can be used in the next mixing.