Going Green … Tea

We’ll never give up the morning coffee routine. However, as part of an overall healthier lifestyle we’ve started to substitute green tea for those extra mugs of coffee in the afternoon. Not to worry, most green teas have caffeine.

Tea isn’t new to the pantry. On the contrary, there are numerous bottles of loose leaves and mesh bags. Green tea is just a better choice, loaded with antioxidants its a healthy alternative.

The compounds in green tea can have powerful effects on your health. Among them … boosted metabolism, increased fat burning, and lowered blood sugar levels.

Our green tea of choice is Long Jing Dragonwell. A well known tea from China, it has a sweet, rounded flavor … full, nutty, buttery texture … and dry finish. We order from a great online shop with a huge selection and great prices. ‘The Cozy Tea Cart’ is one of the few places that stocks another favorite, Evening in Missoula.


You don’t use boilng water as green teas should be brewed around 85ºF. Let the water cool a bit. Use that hot water to preheat your mug or pot. If you’re using loose leaf measure, use a scant teaspoon per cup of brewing water. And if brewing in a teapot, always add a teaspoon for the pot.

Allow tea leaves to steep for two minutes and enjoy.